
About us

The Trusted Remodeling Contractor That You Can Count On

Green Pro Remodeling is a licensed, insured, and bonded remodeling contractor in CA. We cater to both homeowners and commercial property owners, and we offer our world-class solutions at competitive rates that won’t break the bank. If you’d like to update the look and feel of your property, get in touch with us today!

Experienced Remodelers at Your Service

Through our experience, we’ve been given plenty of opportunities to sharpen our skills and master advanced property improvement techniques, which we use to provide top-tier services to our clients and exceed their expectations. Contact our team if you want to hire a seasoned contractor that can help you transform your property into a better version of itself!
Are you looking for home remodeling? Contact us today...
We work with the latest tools and equipment. There is no job too big or too small for us. We can complete a project of any size and scope in a timely and cost-effective manner. Whether it comes to kitchen or bathroom design ideas, you can always count on Green Pro Remodeling. We employ only well-trained, qualified, and creative remodelers who always provide nothing less than unique solutions. During the process, we observe all security and safety protocols. Being among the most preferred options for the local community in Encino, CA when it comes to a home remodeling service brings us an immense satisfaction. We work hard in order to keep our reputation spotless.

Home as you Imagine, Our exquisite homes have earned praise from satisfied clients, from architects, and from fellow new home builders.

Remodeling your home not only increases its value, it can also greatly affect the way you live your life and contribute to your overall satisfaction. Whether your family is growing or you’d like to start working from home, redesigning the floor plan or expanding the footprint of the house can be an affordable way to make a huge impact and add value to your biggest investment.

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)