

Complete Bathroom Transformations

Enjoy spending time in your bathroom again.

A medicine cabinet with an outlet for your electric toothbrush. A vanity drawer that allows you to keep your hair dryer hidden and plugged in. A “wet” bathroom that makes it easier to get into and out of the shower. Whatever your vision for your bathroom, our team will help you bring it to life.
Client-Centered Bathroom Design
A highly collaborative approach to your project
Our team has decades of experience turning small, cramped California bathrooms into updated spaces that work for your life and taste. We’ll visit your home and present options for adding organization, improving flow, or creatively reworking interior walls to increase space. During construction, your lead carpenter is at your home every workday until your bathroom is complete.
Client-Centered Kitchen Design
Let us handle your bathroom from start to finish.
By working with you from initial conception to design to construction, our team is able to provide you with accurate running estimates as you update your bathroom design and choose materials. Know how much your project will cost before construction begins so you can budget wisely and avoid unpleasant surprises down the road.
Bathroom Remodeling (6)
Exceeding Expectations

One of Caifornia's best bathroom remodeling contractors.

Bathrooms are among the highest value rooms in the home and for many homeowners represent a major factor in their overall enjoyment of their living space. Changes to the bathroom can have a significant impact in terms of not just aesthetics but also lifestyle. With so many options for products to improve the look and fixtures to increase the functionality, bathroom renovations have become one of the most popular ways to add value to a home.
While they are typically not as large as kitchens, bathrooms are often just as complicated, sometimes more so. Bathrooms include significantly more plumbing fixtures and services to renovate, and more often require additional electrical services. Many bathrooms today are no longer compliant with local codes that require dedicated circuits, for example. For this reason, using an expert remodeler to complete a bathroom project can be essential as an understanding of not only the materials, but also local codes, is critical.

Bathroom Remodeling Gallery

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)