

What is Hardscaping?

Hardscaping, or hard landscaping, is a landscaping project that uses primarily ‘hard’ materials, such as concrete, stone, brick, glass, pavers, blocks, and many other materials to alter the structure or layout of a piece of property. Hardscaping projects can be an addition to a currently landscaped property, or can be performed on a ‘raw’ or unaltered area.

Hardscaping Work

In addition to the features we already design and create, there are numerous hardscape projects that we are now able to perform. Paved areas, such as driveways, walkways, or sidewalks, are a frequently requested project from families in Encino and CA state. Not only are such projects practical, when done well they can create a unique, beautiful look for your Seattle area property.

  • Patios
  • Aggregate paths
  • Staircases built into a landscape
  • Ponds and water features
Whether you’re looking for a new stone patio or backyard fireplace, we are your contractor for rock and stone fixtures, paving and other hardscape features in the Encino & Surrounding areas. The hardscaping is the structure the holds a well designed landscaping together. Masonry work can enhance the beautly of your home but also bring a sense of safety. You sit on it, walk on it, and park on it. A correctly built patio, driveway, wall, or walkway will last a lifetime.
Hardscape (17)
Fire Features

The charm and romance of a real wood fire.

Economical, clean burning and easily maintained, wood stoves are still the first choice for people who love the romance of a real wood fire.

Beautiful fire at the click of a button.

With a gas fireplace you can enjoy genuine fire and it’s radiant warmth with no work and no clean up!

Sophistication and warmth.

Electric Fireplaces are riding a huge wave of popularity. Why? Simple to install. Green. No smoke. Extremely easy to use. Plug them into any 3-prong outlet and you’re good to go. Plus, recent tech advance make their flames strikingly realistic

Hardscaping Gallery

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)