

Complete Kitchen Transformations

Make the heart of your home an inviting space for family and friends.

Creating the kitchen of your dreams begins with our team learning how you use your space. We’ll work with you to design a kitchen that is beautiful and functional, whether that means refreshing the style, adding storage space, building an addition, or removing walls to connect your kitchen to dining and living areas.
Client-Centered Kitchen Design
Your goals, your style, your custom-designed kitchen.
Listening to your needs and desires, our team collaborates with you to design all the details of your dream kitchen, from flooring to faucets. We create a 3D rendering so you can experience your kitchen before it’s built. If you’re staying in your home for the remodel, our team will set up a temporary kitchen for you. Once construction begins, your lead carpenter is at your home every workday until your project is complete, ensuring your kitchen is completed on time and on budget.
Client-Centered Kitchen Design
Design-Build Methodology
As a design-build firm, we are able to provide you with the most accurate cost estimation during the design phase and a fixed price before construction begins. We have a full-time, in-house team of expert designers, lead carpenters, and support staff that makes the handoff between design and construction teams effortless.
Kitchen Remodeling
Tailored Client Care

Your needs first, always.

No other kitchen contractor in Puget Sound comes close to our degree of quality, service, project management and, problem solving. By hiring Green Pro Remodeling, you’re hiring a team that has gone through extensive training…an expert contractor capable to finish any remodeling project…a dedicated contractor who will work until the kitchen of your dreams becomes a reality.

Kitchen Remodeling Gallery

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)