

Trusted Roofing Company For Roof Remodels

When planning your next remodel project, don’t forget to think about your roof. Kitchen, bathroom, or basement remodels are everyone’s first projects, but updating your roof will be the crowning look on your remodeled home. When choosing a roofing contractor company, do your research to understand the roofing contractor’s process. A roofing professional from Green Pro Remodeling Company comes out to your home to get accurate measurements, inspects skylights, flashing, piping, and more. After reviewing the proposal with you, our no-pressure sales approach allows you to choose what makes sense for you for your roof remodel project.
Let’s face it, buying a new roof is zero fun! There are a ton of options and it can get overwhelming quickly. Green Pro Remodeling is here to help you understand the pros and cons of each option. We will take the time to teach you about which options fit your needs and will walk you through the process of selecting the next roof for your home. We specialize in composition, cedar shake, metal and flat roofing. Reach out today to schedule a free inspection.
Green Pro Remodeling is your local roofing expert when it comes to repair work. We pride ourselves in our use of high quality materials while providing competitive prices.

Roof Replacement

Are you dealing with a roof that’s past its prime? Missing shingles, expired warranty, even sagging roof lines? Your home likely needs a full residential roof replacement or reroof rather than spot repairs. A total roof replacement or reroof project can be more cost-effective in the long run as spot residential roofing repairs can add up when dealing with an aging roof. Where do you start? Call us today to set up an appointment for one of our professional residential roofers to visit your home in the CA area. They will get accurate measurements while checking all facets of your roof from skylights to flashing to pipes. They will then review the reroof proposal, so you understand the full scope of the project and your options. With our no high-pressure sales approach, the choice is yours to make when you want to make it.

From Green Pro Remodeling, you get fully licensed and insured roofing contractors for your safety. They are all expertly screened for your protection and trained for doing the necessary repairs to your roof. Apart from the extensive experience that sets Guardian and its roofers apart, our relationship with our customers and our quality, affordable work endear us to all.

We are dedicated to ensuring the safety of you and your family. No matter the size of the job, we will complete it satisfactorily and leave your roof in the best shape for your protection from the elements. Enjoy the peace of mind that comes with employing California’s finest.

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Roof Repairs

Enjoy peace of mind from expert service when you choose Green Pro Remodeling. There are some obvious signs that you need immediate roof work and these include:

  • Leaking roofs
  • Light coming into your building
  • Shingles loose or falling off
  • There is a foul odor in your attic.

Additionally, our inspection services can highlight the risk factors for problems with your roof and give you the right solutions and repairs.

If you’ve experienced damage from a storm, We are qualified roofing contractors can undertake roof restoration to bring your roof back to a safe state and your property a habitable haven once more.

Roofing Gallery

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)