

Solar Energy Solutions Provider

Solar Energy is electrical work, but most solar companies hire outside electrical contractors to connect their newly installed solar arrays to the power grid. Years ago, Green Pro Remodeling went the extra step to train and certify their installers as master electricians. This helped us manage jobs more efficiently and pass the savings along to our customers. While on solar installation job sites, we would often be asked to “fix this” or “change that” during our visit. These were often the jobs that people kept putting off to avoid the major expense of an electrician service call. Before we knew it, we were booking residential electric jobs of all sizes, in CA. When it comes to electrical jobs of any size, please don’t put it off. To improve your home safety or make it more convenient and enjoyable, call us today. We’re fast, responsive, thorough and competitively priced.
Green Pro Remodeling is your local roofing expert when it comes to repair work. We pride ourselves in our use of high quality materials while providing competitive prices.

Bring the power of the sun to your service.

Solar technology has improved dramatically over the last decade. Not only have the panels become more efficient, they have significantly dropped in price. Generous federal and state incentives (including an extension of the federal solar tax credit) and low-interest financing means now is the time for residents of the California to go solar.
We are always keeping an eye out for quality solar panels that can give you great value. In addition to our core offerings of LG, SunPower, and Q CELLS solar panels, we have access to the broader marketplace of modules to find the best fit for your project. There are a number of reasons to choose one manufacturer over another, including local incentives, efficiency, up-front cost, lifetime energy production, payback period, aesthetics, durability, and country of origin. During your site assessment, our solar design consultants will talk with you to gain a better understanding of your priorities and help you make a decision that is best for your situation.
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Save Money While You Save The Planet

There isn’t a cleaner source of power for your home than the sun. Most of the solar energy that is produced in California comes from residential rooftops and Green Pro Remodeling makes adding solar to your home’s roof painless and worry-free. We handle design, permitting, installation, interconnection, monitoring, and maintenance. We can also direct you to financing from excellent local institutions.
A solar energy system adds value to your home and creates a permanent income. The only other home improvement that can make that claim is an accessory dwelling unit. It is a hedge against electricity rate inflation that can occur for reasons that are beyond your control; the cost of sunshine never increases beyond zero. Solar panel arrays keep unwanted heat out of your attic in the summertime, and will slow the weathering of roofing materials. They can make attractive awnings, pergolas, and carports.
Since solar panels are expected to have very long lives, they may become a legacy that you are leaving for the next owner of your house. If you are raising a family, they will “grow up solar” and will carry their understanding and knowledge of solar energy to their peers and to the next generation.
By producing energy on the power grid your home will have value to your community, reducing the need for new power generation as the local population grows.

Solar Work Gallery

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)