
Windows & Doors

Making A Difference

We are a local home improvement company specializing in replacement windows, doors, skylights sales and installation. We believe that we offer something different to homeowners and contractors in the CA area. We pride ourselves on the expertise we can offer our clients, drawing from our extensive background in the home remodeling industry. At Green Pro, our aim is to provide every client with great customer service from start to finish. We will guide you through the ordering process, inform you of what to expect through the installation process, and install your product using the proper techniques and procedures without cutting corners. These steps ensure that your product will be covered under any applicable manufacturers warranties and that you with be satisfied with the product and workmanship for years to come. We offer special expertise in:
  • Energy Efficient windows and doors
  • Contractor & homeowner product sales
  • Replacing outdated single pane and older double paned windows
  • Restoring the original look for older homes
  • New construction
  • Green building practices

Professional Installation & Service

Green Pro Remodeling is dedicated to creating a unique experience for every client. Our team’s level of competency and expertise comes from the decades of experience in the building industry. You will be pleased to find that we are as passionate about the product as you are about your home or project. New Windows and Doors are one of the biggest, and most impressive changes you can make to the architectural detail of a home. Let us help you determine the best design elements, product benefits, and features to address your needs and fit your budget.

Upgrade to New Windows Today

Does your home still have its original windows? Have you noticed your business’s energy bills going up and up? It might be time to have new windows installed by Everlast Window and Door. Window installation isn’t a DIY project and should be precisely completed by professional contractors. At Green Pro, we pride ourselves on attention to detail in everything we do. When it comes to window installation for residential homes, multi-family dwellings, condos and more, turn to our locally owned business. We can replace and retrofit all types of windows
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Installing and Retrofitting Sturdy New Doors

Your front door is the first place you meet a friend, a neighbor, a customer or a potential client. At Green Pro, we make sure that you’ll make a great first impression thanks to our line of beautiful, long-lasting doors.
New entry doors are one of the best investments you can make to increase the value of your home.
Once we have helped you determine the right door for you home, let us install it for you as well.
Our trained and certified partners will provide a turn-key installation service for you backed by our warranty commitment to quality.
Do you need a new door retrofitted into your existing doorway? Is it time to replace a worn-down, damaged door you’ve had for far too long? Give us a call to schedule a FREE estimate with a member of our friendly team.

Windows & Doors Gallery

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)